Antique Railroad Medallion Values

Railroads produced medallions to commemorate important events or accomplishment. Medallions are usually cast from brass, copper, bronze or similar medals and are distinguished by the fact that they have illustration or inscription on both sides of the item. Medallions are generally about the size of large coins and usually commemorate a railroad’s 50, 75, 100, or similar year anniversary of operation. In online pictures these medallions can look like paperweights, but paperweights are generally larger, heavier and only decorated on a single side. Medallions are relatively uncommon, but prices vary greatly from under $50 to the hundreds.

Do you need help finding the value of your antique railroadiana item? We can help with single items or entire collections, and we provide a hassle free service and most of the time we can answer contacts the same day. In order to help you we will need to see pictures of your item or items so the best way to get started is to email pictures to us at

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